Breakthrough Interventions
(720) 341-2324

Patti and Ricky

Patti and Ricky

In this episode, Dr. Annette Nunez and Maylene Johnson chat with Alexandra Herold who is the founder and CEO of PATTI + RICKY an inclusion marketplace offering stylish and functional clothing and accessories for women, men, and kids with disAbilities. She opens up about how she started the company based on her own disAbilities, her close relationship with her cousin Ricky who was unable to walk or verbally communicate, and her mother’s battle with brain cancer. Her company was recently featured on The Today Show where she shares how many of the designers whose products are featured on the site also have disAbilities or a loved one with disAbilities. PATTI + RICKY strives to be the one-stop-shop for people with disAbilities including visible and non-visible disAbilities as well as temporary and lifelong disAbilities and is demonstrating what inclusion looks like. Alexandra is impacting the world in positive ways!







Research Request:


“I view my disAbilities as accessories that make me truly one-of-a-kind. I wear my disAbilities proudly.” – Alexandra Herold

Learn to Mindshift… Below are the Mindshifts from this podcast:

    1. In terms of disability, individuals with disAbilities are the experts.
    2. Be ok to share things that you are maybe too scared to share.